Hugo Reid Handbook

Arriving at School


Children in grades 3-5 may ride bicycles to school (in accordance with the age recommendation of the Arcadia Police and the California Highway Patrol.) Children must wear helmets. Bike racks are provided next to room 118. All bicycles must be locked. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen bicycles.

Skateboards, skates, or shoes with wheels may not be brought to school.


Click here for Hugo Reid Arrival and Dismissal Procedures, including Carline routes and parking.




California state law requires verbal or written explanation as to the reason for a child’s absence. To report an absence, please submit the Hugo Reid Absence Verification Form. If the office does not receive the required absence verification, parents/guardians will receive an automated attendance call.



Any child not in the classroom by the first bell (8:10 AM HRP)//(8:20 HRE) will be marked tardy. Students who arrive at school after the first bell rings must report to the office with a parent/guardian before going to class. Parent(s) are required to walk their child(ren) to the office for check in, if tardy.  Excessive tardies are dealt with through the District/School Attendance and Review Board.


Campus Environment


It is our goal to keep our campus safe and maintain classrooms free from disruptions.   All visitors/volunteers to our campus must sign in at the office. Parents are not permitted to bring items to the classroom, including a child’s backpack, during the school day. In the event of an emergency, messages will be relayed to students by the office staff. All other messages or items for students must be left in the office. The office staff will notify the classroom via e-mail and the child will be sent to the office at a convenient time.

Lunches should be sent with the child in the morning.

Telephone Use by Students:

Students must have permission to use the telephone. Students may use the telephone when the teacher, principal or office staff feels it is necessary and appropriate. It is not advised for children to have cell phones at school. Some children have cell phones for use after school, however, cell phones may not be used during the school day. If a cell phone rings or is used by a child during the school day, the phone will be taken away and held in the office for parents to pick up. The school is not responsible if a cell phone is lost, damaged, or stolen.

Students should not bring anything of value to school. Toys, electronic devices, trading cards, are not permitted. If a child brings anything to school for a classroom activity, those belongings must be stored per the teacher’s instructions.

Lost and Found

Sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes, etc. should be labeled with your child’s name. All found clothing and lunch boxes are saved inside the Multipurpose Room. Small items (keys, jewelry, wallets, glasses, etc.) are held in the office. Items not claimed will be donated to charity.

Make-up School Work:

Make-up schoolwork may be requested from your child’s teacher by phone or email. Please request the work first thing in the morning to allow  the teacher time to assemble the work and it will be available for pickup in the office after school.

If your child has a planned extended absence (five days of more, but no more than 20 days) please contact your child’s teacher in advance (a minimum of one week) and come into the office to arrange an Independent Study program.

Access to Classrooms after School:

Students are expected to take all necessary items with them as they leave the classroom at the end of the day. This policy is intended to develop the child’s sense of responsibility as well as to secure unattended classrooms.

Playground Rules :(Click on link to see the expectations for each playground sport activity.)

Health Services


First Aid is provided during the school day for injuries and illnesses. Please instruct your child to tell a teacher about any injury that occurs on the playground or in the classroom. Parents are notified of serious injuries (such as severe sprains, fractured bones, and head injuries.) Lesser injuries are given first aid (cleaned and bandaged as appropriate) and the child is returned to the classroom.

Children who are not well in the morning should stay home. Any child with a temperature of 100 or higher, has vomited or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours, or does not feel well enough to participate in ALL school activities should stay home.  Children with vomiting or a fever must stay home for 24 hours.  Disease spreads very quickly in a classroom. Sick children should not be at school. If your child has been exposed to one of the highly contagious reportable diseases (strep throat, chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, etc.) please call the office so that we may confidentially inform the parents of other children in the class.

Medications – any medication taken by children during the school day must be kept in the health office and administered only by authorized office personnel. Medication must be brought to the office with a signed Physician’s Recommendation for Medication form (available in the office), which states the name of the medication, the amount to be given, and the time the medication is to be administered.  The medication remains in the office and the child must come to the office at the designated time(s). This includes all prescription drugs, asthma medication, inhalers, and aspirin, Tylenol, cough syrups, couch drops, etc. These guidelines also apply to all over-the-counter medications, both oral and topical (such as lotions.) Please do not send anymedications to school with your child to take on his/her own. These must all be kept in the office for the safety of all the children.

Health Screenings

Hearing test are given to kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grade students. Vision screenings are conducted for kindergarten, 3rd grade, and all new students. Yearly screenings of height and weight for 5th graders are recorded in students’ health folders.

Returning to School after an Illness

The Health Aide will check any child returning to school after three or more days of illness, before returning to class. A student’s temperature must be normal for 24 hours before returning to school. In addition, if a child has experienced COVID-19 symptoms, additional steps and safeguards will be put in place and requested from the guardians before child can return to campus.

Medical Appointments

Children will be released from school for medical, optical, or dental appointments. Please notify your child’s teacher in advance. Parents picking up children during school hours must sign the Student Release Log Book in the office. Children will only be released from the office. Children may not leave school directly from the classroom.

Emergency Information

It is critical that your child’s Emergency Information be accurate and the school office be notified of any change in your address or telephone numbers. Please provide the school with alternate relatives or friends to contact in event of illness or emergency.   Relatives or friends listed as alternates must be aware of this responsibility and be willing to intervene should we be unable to reach you. Under no circumstances will a sick child be released without proper supervision. If both parents are away, (a business trip or vacation) the school needs to know who is responsible for your child in your absence.


Required Immunizations


Mantoux test for tuberculosis

The California Health and Safety Code mandates that all children entering Kindergarten, (or entering first grade without having previously attended Kindergarten for the first time in a public or private school) shall have documentation of a Mantoux test within one year prior to admission to school. All students in grade 1-12 entering school from out of state or country shall have documentation of a Mantoux test before admission to school.

Polio (OPV and/or IPV): 4 doses at any age

Four doses at any age, but three doses meet requirement if at least one was given on or after the 4th birthday.

Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis:

Age 6 years and under (Pertussis is required)

DTP, DTaP or any combination of DTP or DTaP with DT (tetanus and diptheria.)

At least 4 doses: If last dose was given before the 4th birthday, one more dose is required.

Age 7 years and older (Pertussis is not required)

Td, DT, or DTP, DTaP or any combination of these.

At least 3 doses: If last dose was given before the 2nd birthday, one more (Td) dose is required.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): 2 doses

1st dose         –      Must be given on or after first birthday

2nd dose        –      Must be given before entering Kindergarten

Hepatitis B: 3 doses (intervals may vary per doctor, clinic or health provider.)

1st dose         -        Birth or older

2nd dose        -        one month after first dose

3rd dose        -        four months after second dose or six months after first dose

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

All students entering kindergarten will need to present documentation of varicella (chicken pox) immunization or documentation from a medical doctor that the student has had the disease.

Note: If the physical condition of the student is such that immunization is not safe, a written statement by a licensed physician must be filed with the school. If immunizations are contrary to the parent’s or guardian’s beliefs, a signed statement to that effect must be file with the school.

For more information concerning immunizations, contact your family physician or the Los Angeles County Health Department, 300 W. Maple, Monrovia. Call               (626)256-1600      (626)256-1600.




Homework is defined as school-related assignments that will enhance or reinforce concepts taught in the classroom and which will require time and effort outside the regular school day for successful completion.

Homework will be designed to serve specific purposes. These include assignments that are:

  1. Designed to develop good study habits and promote independent learning
  2. Preparation for upcoming instruction
  3. Practice or review of lessons taught
  4. Extension or application of concepts and skills taught in the classroom

To be effective, homework assignments should not place an undue burden on students and families

Properly implemented, homework will:

  1. Lead to increased level of mastery of content standards
  2. Be related to current classroom instruction
  3. Include clearly communicated directions to students and where appropriate to parents
  4. Include timely feedback to students
  5. Appropriately meet the needs of the individual learner
  6. Lead to the development of good study habits and promote independent learning.

Homework/Make-up Work

Students shall be given the opportunity to make up school work missed because of an excused absence or suspension and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to a reasonable make-up schedule.

Students who miss school work because of unexcused absences may be given the opportunity to make up missed work for full or reduced credit. Teachers shall assign such make-up work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure.


School Dress Code


Click here for details regarding school dress code, including details about uniform policy (includes Chinese/Spanish translation).

Click here for uniform guidelines (includes images and Spanish/Chinese translation.)


Lunch Information


We care deeply about the health and welfare of every child. Hugo Ried Food Service provides a variety of healthy, hot lunch selections each day. The lunch selections served at school must meet specific nutritional guidelines. The guidelines assure your children are eating a healthy meal that will provide the energy they need to grow, learn and play. School lunch menus are available to view on the website monthly so you may plan with your child whether or not to buy or bring a lunch from home.

Students must either purchase their lunch at school through the school’s cafeteria or bring a sack lunch with them in the morning. Please do not send lunches that need heating.  You may instead provide the hot lunch in a thermas container which will keep the food warm.  

Students can receive free meals daily, including both breakfast and lunch. Applications are available at the front office or online at the AUSD website under Nutrition Services (

We believe that building responsibility in our students is an important part of the educational process. Coming to school in the morning prepared with either money to buy lunch or with a sack lunch supports building that sense of responsibility in students. Parents are asked not to bring a lunch to their children during the school day. Children without a lunch will not go hungry. They will be allowed to receive a lunch from cafeteria.

AUSD believes having parents drop off lunches can present some problems such as student safety and security on our campus. It also creates anxiety for children who are wondering if and when their lunch will arrive. If students forget their lunch, the cafeteria will help make sure they do not go hungry.

Important guidelines about meals at school:

  • Please do not bring fast food to school for your child as it violates the food guidelines set by the State for healthy meals at school.
  • No gum, candy or soda.
  • Children and parents may not share food with others. Many children are allergic to food or have dietary restrictions. We cannot control the safety of our children if food is shared. Also, children are encouraged to eat what was provided for them to help parents monitor their own children’s diet.
  • Birthday parties are not allowed at school. Please do not bring pizza, cookies, or other foods to celebrate a birthday. Refer to the birthday celebrations sheet for more details.
  • Lunch is an important time for children to develop social skills. It’s one of the few times during the day when children can talk, get to know one another, and build friendships. District adult supervision is provided, however, parents are discouraged from visiting children at lunch.

Thank you for helping our staff support your child’s sense of responsibility and independence.

Parental Involvement


Parents are encouraged to join the Hugo Reid PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association.) Hugo Reid’s PTSA activities strongly support the school. Each fall, the PTSA holds an annual membership drive. Information is sent home in the Back to School Packets. On the first day of school, PTSA sponsors a Welcome Back coffee to meet the PTSA officers and to learn how your can further support Hugo Reid. If you are interested in joining PTSA, or staying up-to-date on family events, sign up today on Konstella! (Reach out to your room rep for more details.)

Parent Volunteers

Room parents play an important role at Hugo Reid. They act as hosts/hostesses for class celebrations and special events at school. Please contact the PTSA if you would be willing to serve in this capacity.

Classroom volunteers are critical to maintaining the high quality education that Hugo Reid children deserve. Some parents are able to donate time during the school day, helping teachers prepare materials for class projects and lessons. Others work with students as needed by the individual teacher or help with field trips. Volunteers who work directly with children (including chaperoning field trips) must have a completed Volunteer Interest Form. This process will provide volunteers with the next steps required to volunteer (ie. TB Clearanace, Fingerprinting, etc.) Whenever you come to school to volunteer, please sign the Volunteer log in the office and pick up your badge. For the safety of the children, this identifies you as someone who has permission to be on campus. We also need to know who is on campus in case of emergency.

Room lists/Room parties

District policy limits classroom parties to two per year: prior to Winter Holiday Break and Valentine’s Day. Room parents maintain a list of all the children in a classroom to be used to contact other parents for contributing to the party. These lists are never used for commercial purposes.

Classroom visitors

It is important to minimize any distractions during instructional time, however, if a parent needs to visit their child’s classroom during the school year, please contact the principal in advance to arrange a convenient time for your visit. You must sign in at the office and pick up your visitors pass so that you are identified as someone who has permission to be on campus. Thank you for helping us maintain a focused learning environment.

Student Progress Assessment

Student Led Conferences are scheduled near the end of the first trimester. Students are expected to set goals, share examples of their work with parents, and self-assess progress. Teachers or parents can also schedule parent-teacher meetings as the need arises. Please email, call, or send a note to the teacher to arrange an appointment if there is a need for additional meeting.

Report cards are distributed at the end of each trimester.

Testing/Assessments are used to monitor student and school wide progress toward goals. Children in grades 3 – 5  participate in the Smarter Balance (CAASPP) each spring. Results of these tests are mailed to parents during the summer. The Arcadia School District also administers some curricular benchmark tests to monitor progress and drive instructional planning. Teachers use a variety of other assessment techniques throughout the school year.

SST (Student Success Team) meetings are held when there are concerns about a child’s academic, behavioral, or social/emotional progress. A team of school based professionals meet with the teacher and parents to create an action plan to support the student. A variety of interventions and/or strategies will be discussed to help the child be successful.

Intervention instruction is offered to general education students who are identified as needing additional instruction in a specific academic area. The focus of these intervention programs vary throughout the year and by grade level.

ELD (English Language Development) instruction is provided for students whose first language is not English. According to state law, these students are tested annually with the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment for California) until their level of academic English proficiency is at grade level.   Students who are still in the progress of acquiring English are provided instruction from Hugo Reid’s ELD program and the classroom teacher.


Description of Program Options and Goals for English Learners A description of the language acquisition programs provided in the Arcadia Unified School District is listed below. (20 U.S.C. Section 6312[e][3][A][iii],[v]) 

Structured English Immersion (SEI) Program: A language acquisition program for English  learners in which nearly all classroom instruction is provided in English, but with curriculum and a presentation designed for pupils who are learning English. At minimum, students are offered ELD and access to grade level academic subject matter content.  

Requesting a Language Acquisition Program Language acquisition programs are educational programs designed to ensure English acquisition  occurs as rapidly and effectively as possible, and provides instruction to English learners based on  the state-adopted academic content standards, including English language development (ELD) standards. (20 U.S.C. Section 6312[e][3][A][iii],[v]); EC Section 306[c]) 

Elementary English Language Development (ELD) Program 

  • ELD 1 (grades 1-2) 

o Instruction is in English and addresses reading, writing, speaking and listening in the mainstream class 

o SEI (Structured English Immersion) is provided by the ELD teacher, 4 days a week, 60  minutes per day  

  • ELD 1 (grades 3-5) 

o Instruction is in English and addresses reading, writing, speaking and listening in the mainstream class 

o SEI (Structured English Immersion) is provided by the ELD teacher, 4 days a week,  120 minutes per day  

  • ELD 2  

o Instruction is in English and addresses reading, writing, speaking and listening in the mainstream class 

o Pull out/push in support by the ELD teacher 

o Reading support 

  • ELD 3  

o Instruction is in English and addresses reading, writing, speaking and listening in the mainstream class 

o Reading support 

Goals for English Learners 

√ The goals of the ELD program is for students to learn English and meet age appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation.  

√ English Language Development (ELD 1, 2, 3 & SDAIE) provides instruction in English only and is based upon ELD and grade level English/Language Arts standards.  

The Arcadia Unified School District English Language Development Program is aligned with all state and federal guidelines and legislation. Parents have the right to request their child be withdrawn from the ELD program; however, all students withdrawn from ELD are required by law to take the ELPAC annually until they meet reclassification criteria. Parents are encouraged to work with the ELD teacher if there are concerns about ELD placement or the ELD program.  

Parents may provide input regarding language acquisition programs during the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan. (EC Section 52062) If interested in a different program from the one listed above, please contact the principal, Dr. Lauren Leahy.  

Parents of English learners have a right to decline or opt their children out of the school district’s language acquisition program or opt out of particular English learner service(s) within a language acquisition program. (20 U.S.C Section 6312[e][3][A][viii]) However, AUSD remains obligated  to provide the student meaningful instruction until the student exits the program, inform the parent when progress is not made, and offer the parent programs and services to consider at that time. (5  California Code of Regulations Section 11302)


  • Parents or legal guardians of students enrolled in the school may choose a language acquisition program that best suits their child. “Language acquisition program” refers to educational programs designed to ensure English acquisition as rapidly and as effectively as possible and provide instruction to students on the state-adopted academic content standards, including the ELD standards. The language acquisition programs shall be informed by research and must lead to grade level proficiency and academic achievement in both English and another language.
    (EC sections 306[c], 310[a]; 5 CCR Section 11309[c])
  • An LEA shall notify parents of the language acquisition programs and language programs available in the LEA. The notice must be included with other parent and guardian rights and responsibilities required by EC sections 48980 and 48981. Parents of pupils enrolling in an LEA after the beginning of the academic school year shall be provided the notice described above upon enrollment. The notice shall include all of the following:
    1. A description of any language acquisition programs provided, including Structured English Immersion;
    2. Identification of any language to be taught in addition to English, when the program model includes instruction in another language;
    3. The information set forth in section 5 CCR Section 11309[c];
    4. The process to request establishment of a language acquisition program
    5. If the LEA offers language programs, the notice shall specify the language(s) to be taught, and may include the program goals, methodology used, and evidence of the proposed program’s effectiveness.

(EC sections 305, 306, 310, 48980, 48981, and 5 CCR Section 11310; 20 U.S.C. sections 1703[f], 6311 and 6318)

  1. Schools in which parents or legal guardians of 30 students or more per school, or the parents or legal guardians of 20 students or more in any grade request a language acquisition program designed to provide language instruction must be required to offer a program to the extent possible.
    (EC Section 310[a])
  2. When the parents of 30 pupils or more are enrolled in a school, or when the parents of 20 pupils or more in the same grade level are enrolled in a school, request the same or substantially similar type of a language acquisition program, the LEA shall respond by taking actions to demonstrate the timelines and requirements in 5 CCR Section 11311[h] are met by the LEA.
  3. In the case where the LEA determines it is not possible to implement a language acquisition program requested by parents, the LEA shall provide in written form an explanation of the reason(s) the program cannot be provided and may offer an alternate option that can be implemented at the school.
    (5 CCR Section 11311[h][3][B])


Student Resources


Library/Media Center at Hugo Reid provides a full selection of books and resource materials appropriate for all elementary students. Classroom teachers schedule regular visits to the Media Center where children have the opportunity to browse, checkout books, do research and use the latest computer technology. The library is staffed by a library aide who maintains the inventory and acquires additional literature that supports the content that each grade level is studying. Students may also use the library/media center to take Accelerated Reader tests.

Technology is vital to the instructional program at Hugo Reid. The Arcadia Unified School District places a high priority on integrating technology into the curriculum. The Arcadia Education Foundation, through fundraisers, including SCRIP sales has helped the District provide computers with Internet access for each classroom.   Students are trained in the appropriate use of computers and sign Technology Student Use Contracts. Many teachers have developed classroom websites and blogs to inform families of pertinent information and/or display student work. Students have access to one-to-one Chromebook devices available to them each day. Teachers regularly use technology to deliver instruction.

Character Education is an important focus of learning at Hugo Reid as we strive to develop the whole child. Throughout the year, students participate in learning, modeling and exhibiting Stephen Covey's 7 Habits as part of Leader in Me. Promotion of Character Education is used in the classroom, at recess, and throughout the school day. We believe character education helps children learn life skills that will help them be successful and happy contributors to the world.

Instrumental music is offered by the Arcadia Unified School District to students in the 4th and 5thgrade. Instruction takes place during the school day. Students can take weekly lessons in a specific instrument and perform together at the end of the year celebration recital in May.

Student Council provides leadership opportunities for elected 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. Elections are held twice a year. Students who meet the criteria hold office for half the school year. In addition, classes elect council representatives who meet periodically to plan school-wide activities.